7 Questions with Selyum
Despite their busy schedule, Selyum sat down with us to answer some questions their audience is itching to hear the answers to. As one of the original homegrown products of the City of Love, Selyum has always been grateful for the opportunity to give back to their community. Now, they’re here to talk more about themselves and what makes them stand out from the crowd.
If you were to describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?
Just three? Well, that simply isn’t enough. I’m at least a full, thought-out sentence. [Laughs] I would say that I’m young – at heart, if you want to get technical – colorful, and passionate. Those three words are easy to understand yet hold much meaning.
What are you most scared of?
Like most people, I’m scared of endings. Whether the end of a show, an important event, or my own existence. It’s not so much that I’m scared of the ending itself, but what happens after. The consequences of putting an end to something is a scary concept. But I guess with endings can also come beginnings.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Probably and hopefully still doing what I love best – my work. I would love to reach more places. I hope by then, I can have offices in Luzon and Mindanao, too!
What do you do to destress? Describe to me your perfect Day Off from work.
Just sitting on the couch, catching up on my favorite shows, maybe hit up a few of my friends to ask how they are doing. I don’t want to be pressured into being productive when I have the luxury to rest. Not just from the physical work but from the mental load as well. People need to value the pauses and stops in life – going full speed won’t always bring you closer to your destination.
What is your purpose? The biggest “why” that keeps you going.
Service. I think it’s one of the greatest things that life has to offer and that you can offer back. There is something innately selfless about serving. The beauty of doing labor for others that you hope might improve their lives in some way. It’s not always self-gratification, which often comes with the idea that you’re there to help others in need, but it should also be about dedicating your gifts and your person to a cause outside of your own personal interest. That was really deep and thoughtful, can you edit that part out? I have a reputation to uphold as the young, funny memester. [Laughs]
What are you most proud of?
The self-fulfillment of the people around me. Whether I had something to do with it directly, or helped them in any way to achieve whatever they wanted or dreamed of, it’s always one of my proudest moments. People will fail at some things in life. But if they choose to come back up again, and if they do so with my help and the help of others around them, then my work is done.
What’s your superpower?
Does taking really cute photos count? [Laughs] I think my superpower is leadership. Not to sound like I’m tooting my own horn, but I think I’m very good at pulling people together. People who have potential; those who are willing to learn with and from each other. They need someone who can point them in the right direction and say, “Hey, guys, you can do this. Just pull yourselves together and give it your best shot.” Sometimes people just need the right push, the right inspiration to achieve the things they never thought they could.
And that concludes our personal interview with Selyum. What an honor it has been, and we will surely cheer them on in future endeavours. Good luck and stay strong, Selyum!