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Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Expression As the country celebrates its independence in June, we also honor and celebrate Pride Month. June is the month dedicated for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. It commemorates the Stonewall riots in June of 1969. In the Philippines, there are...
Where growth is encouraged…
Where growth is encouraged… As our company expands to the City of Smiles, so does the mission of Xilium to uphold its corporate responsibility. One of which is helping marginalized communities through education and employment opportunities. Education empowers...
Where values are embodied…
Where values are embodied… On a typical workday of April 14th, VMA Account Supervisor Charmie Mendoza, currently assigned to our Roxas site, received an alarming message from one of the VMAs on duty at the office. VMA Elened Escalera messaged Charmie that she was...
Where it all started…
Where it all started… Up-HillA poem by Christina Rossetti Does the road wind up-hill all the way?Yes, to the very end.Will the day’s journey take the whole long day?From morn to night, my friend. But is there for the night a resting-place?A roof for when the slow dark...
Selyum Gayms: Games and Awards
Selyum Gayms: Games and Awards As one of our multiple efforts to keep our employees engaged despite the work from home setting, the company launched the 2021 Selyum Gayms. Spearheaded by our Human Resources Department, all 200 (and counting) of us were randomly...
ICYMI: Bacolod Site Expansion
ICYMI: Bacolod Site Expansion It’s not top secret but it’s still wonderful news – SURPRISE! In case you missed it, we’re expanding our proverbial Xilium wings to the City of Smiles, Bacolod City. Office location, advertisements, city permits and other necessary...
Heat It Up: Climate Emergency and Iloilo City’s Efforts to Curb its Effects
Feeling a little too hot lately? That’s not exactly strange given that it is the beginning of summer–the hottest, driest, and most humid time of the year. But if you feel that the recent summer seasons have been too hot, there’s a reason for that. Climate change has...
WhatsINIloilo: Where to go this Summer
Whether you’re a born Ilonggo or one in spirit, you can’t deny that the City of Love is full of hidden and not-so-hidden wonders. Now that we’re entering the summer season, you’re probably itching to hit the beach for some down time. As our city slowly recovers from...
Iloilo City: After a Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Iloilo City: After a Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic A full year after the City of Love was placed under lockdown, Ilonggos have adjusted to the “new” normal. On March 20 last year, Iloilo City was among the first to close its borders, just five days after the National...
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3rd Floor, The Crown Bldg.,
Q. Abeto St, Mandurriao,
Iloilo City, Iloilo 5000
Ground fl. La Luz Bldg.,
Lacson st. Brgy. Banago,
Bacolod City 6100
3F, Capiz Government & Business Center,
Fuentes Drive
Roxas City, Capiz 5800