Malnutrition has long been a problem that plagued developing countries like ours. In Western Visayas alone, 36.9% of children suffer symptoms of malnutrition such as stunted growth, slow learning abilities, and poor concentration. To help with this continuing endemic, the Barangay Integrated Development Approach for Nutrition Improvement (BIDANI) Program of UP Los Baños created a flour mix called the Infant Supplementary Mix (INSUMIX).
The INSUMIX is made up of cheap and accessible ingredients such as rice, monggo, and sesame seeds. A 60g package of the flour mix can provide ample protein and energy for children aged 1 to 3 years old. To help the flour mix become even more mainstream, the UP Visayas BIDANI Program is aiming to share recipes to the municipalities of Western Visayas with INSUMIX as the main ingredient.
This 2021, BIDANI has partnered with Xilium to help them achieve this goal. The company will help them launch, promote, and develop the program to its full potential. Watch out for more updates on this program and how you can help spread the word.